The Future

futureHave you ever thought to yourself, man I wish that was     invented? Well in today’s society, technology is so advanced and still advancing as we speak. From the touch of a button you can have the world at your fingertips. That meaning, if reasonable, one day your idea may come to life.

Future inventions are being thought of and created every day. Starting with a new, advanced phone. One that has holograms. Instead of the classic phone call where you put the phone up to your ear, the person would be 3D. Not only could you use this for phone calls, but also for Skype, FaceTime, and reminders you set for yourself. This phone wouldn’t only have holograms though. It would also include voice commands, so instead of limited options, you would be able to tell your phone to do anything in reason. This phone would have every feature of a regular phone but more and be the size of a new iPhone. Also adding the feature of durability, due to teens dropping their phones often. It’s perfect for the younger generation.

The next invention is an invention in process. Soon to be called the glasses of the future, google has created the ultimate experience. With the blink of an eye, you can be brought into a new world. Record, photograph, video chat, translate, GPS anything you want with a simple voice command. Hands free! Share your favourite moments with friends and family. Show others what you see. Google has created what the world strives for, convenience. You no longer would have to take time to send texts, pull out cameras, pick up the phone ect. Just simply command your phone to do what you want. See what it’s like at

Overall, our world is constantly wanting “whats new” and striving for convenience.

Advertising in a nutshell

Advertising, it’s everywhere we look and incorporated in everything we do. From the most rural parts of the world to the biggest cities known, it’s become something in life that we can’t go a day without seeing. Waking up in the morning to going to bed at night, were constantly being advertised to. It can be as simple as watching a movie or checking your Facebook, it’s always going to be there.

Generally not recognized though, most people have learned to just block out common ads. Such as commercials, billboards, and posters, are things most people see on an everyday basis but have become almost invisible to society. Have you ever watched a movie and seen a common brand in it? For example, car companies like Ford, or electronic brands like Apple. Although they may not saying “Buy it”, I personally like to look at it like reading between the lines. It’s making you think the product is considered “cool or hip” because the higher class (famous) use it. That’s a small example of advertising, but few tend to realize. Companies pay for their bands to show up in movies to get their product recognized.

As years progress, advertising keeps becoming more and more advanced. From learning what appeals to certain generations or to why people buy certain things, they’re getting in the minds of the consumer. Thought, time and hard work is put into how and why ads are they way they are. Advertisers have to be able to catch the buyers attention in a matter of seconds and know what target consumers they plan on going after.

Definition of advertising: “The act or practice of calling public attention to one’s product, service, need, etc. For example, paid announcements in newspapers and magazines, over radio or television, and on billboards.”

By Ciara Hawley


Hunting is an activity/sport that partakes in the shooting of wild animals or game. Generally this sport is considered to be more of a rural activity and is an important method in gathering food. For others, hunting is a recreational activity that provides an opportunity to build new families and future friendships. However, for most hunters, it is also a chance to experience nature and relax in the outdoors.

So ever since I was a little girl, stating at the age of 6, my dad always took me out hunting with him. Whether it was duck season or deer, I was by his side filled with excitement. Growing up I still enjoyed hunting and decided I wanted to give it a try. In order to do this though I had to get my license. Being the practical girl I was, I passed my tests with flying colours.

Later on that year I shot my first animal. Nothing too big, but it’s what made me realize how much I love the sport. So after that, deer season came along. Although I didn’t get a deer, I leaned a lot about hunting and became apart of my family’s camp. After a few months of practicing in off season, my dad starting to notice that my shot was really good. I didn’t think anything of it, but decided to keep practicing. Eventually it paid off because I could show up the all the guys when we practiced in public. Years have passed now and I have entered bow competitions and managed to receive metals.

Someday, when I have my own children, I’d like to teach them how to hunt just like my dad did when I was a little girl. I think it’s a great way to bond with your kids and show them how to appreciate what we have in this world.