Ciara Hawley, Class of 2012-2013

IMC at SLC has been a great experience for me so far in many ways. Coming into this program I would have never thought I’d get anything more than an experience out of it. But slowly I’m realizing there is much more than that. Whether it’s why things are advertised a certain way or how to create a commercial, each day there’s something new to learn.  This I would have to thank the Profs for. I come home most days sharing with my mom interesting things I learned from my classes.

But not only am I learning from this program but I’m starting to enjoy it also. Thursday’s would have to be my favourite day of the week though and something I look forward to. Jim has a way of keeping everyone interested with his humorous comments or his odd jokes. Personally, I think a teacher’s attitude can affect how a student’s respond to their class or work they give. I’m also looking forward to some future things like the Greg awards and the class trip to Toronto. For a few years now I’ve been watching Much Music’s station and have always wanted to be on one of their live shows or even meet the talk hosts. I know they aren’t famous or anything but they still are seen across Canada which in my eyes is quite amazing.

This all being said, IMC at SLC isn’t what you call easy. You need to be on the ball and have things done on time. It’s not like high school where there are exceptions and extensions. The workload is also difficult at times when trying to balance work and family. But somehow I seem to be pulling it off, for now.Image

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